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www.110.com 2010-07-08 11:04◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网███████http://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

The Agency Contract for Non-Litigation Practice豪仕法律网http://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

Sichuan JunheNo.HTTP://WWW.79110.net◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐豪仕法律网

The AAAAA company authorizes Sichuan Junhe Law Firm to handle special legal affairs on the behalf of the party A. The following clauses, concluded after negotiation between the two parties, should be jointly observed.

Article 1 The contents of the legal affairs are confined as:◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网███████豪仕法律网HTtp://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

Article 2 The Party B accepts the authorization of the Party A and assigns lawyer

Zheng Shuhong and Luyu as the attorneys to deal with the Patty B’s legal affairs. The limits of authority authorized by the Party A to the Party B shall be limited within:HTTP://WWW.79110.net豪仕法律网采集不好玩哦◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐撒旦法师打发斯蒂芬

Article 3 The lawyer assigned by the Party B shall safeguard the legal right and interests of the Party A conscientiously, and the lawyer shall act in accordance with the relevant laws when he deals with the legal affairs on the behalf of the Party A. where the assigned lawyer can not perform his duties for objective reasons, the Party B shall assign another lawyer to continue the affairs handled by the former lawyer.

Article 4 The party A shall make a earnest statement of the fact and provide relevant evidences, documents and other factual basis to the Party B, and the party A shall be responsible for the truthfulness of the proofs. Where the Party A makes up a story or fabricates evidences after the authorization, the Party B may terminate the agency contract without returning the counsel fees collected in accordance with the contract.◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲HTTP://WWW.79110.net███████████████████████████东方金报网

Article 5 Authorization shall be terminated when any of the following matters appears:

A law suit is brought at the people’s court;◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲HTTP://WWW.79110.net███████████████████████████东方金报网

An investigation is finished;HTTP://WWW.79110.net豪仕法律网采集不好玩哦◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐撒旦法师打发斯蒂芬

A settlement agreement is concluded among the quarreling parties;

An appeal is appealed;HTTP://WWW.79110.net豪仕法律网采集不好玩哦◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐撒旦法师打发斯蒂芬

Or nay other analogous matters appear.

Article 6 In accordance with the provisions of the charging standards and measures for the implementation of the administration of charging counsel fees, the two parties agrees that the Party A shall pay the Party B¥: Yuan as the counsel fees, and such counsel fees shall be paid within three days after the contract is signed.◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网HTtp://Www.79110.net◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲

Article 7 The Party B may terminate the agency contract without returning the counsel fees collected in accordance with the contract at any time if the Party A suspends the authorization without any justified reasons or fails to perform the obligation of paying the counsel fees. While the Party B shall fully return the counsel fees if he refuses to perform the obligations provided in the contract without any justified reasons.●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网HtTp://Www.79110.net◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲

Article 8 The contract is in triplicate, and the Party A takes one copy and the Party B takes two. All the three copies are of the same legal force.

Article 9 The contract shall become effective after signing and shall terminate when the agreed termination conditions meet.◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网HTtp://Www.79110.net◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲

Article 10 Other agreed issues:

ⅠActing in civil litigation The fees shall be RMB 4000—10000 Yuan for every case if the case does not involve property relations;◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网HtTp://WWW.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲

The fees shall be charged according to the proportion of amount of the target if the case involves property relations. The concrete rate shall be:

Below RMB50, 000 Yuan charges RMB 3000 Yuan;豪仕法律网http://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

More than RMB50,000 less than 500,000 Yuan charges 6% to 5%;◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网███████豪仕法律网HTtp://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

More than RMB500,000 less than 1,000,000 Yuan charges 5%—4%;◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网HtTp://WWW.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲

More than RMB1,000,000 less than 5,000,000 Yuan charges 4%—3%;HTTP://WWW.79110.net◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐豪仕法律网

More than RMB5,000,000 less than 10,000,000 Yuan charges 3%—2%;

More than RMB10, 000,000 charges 2%—1%◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲HtTp://wWW.79110.net豪仕法律网●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

ⅡLegal services for special non-litigation Practice◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网HtTp://WWW.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲

When charging the fees, the article Ⅰ applies where the case involves property relations.HTTP://WWW.79110.net◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐◐豪仕法律网

If the case does not involve property relations the amount of the fees shall be decided among the range of RMB3, 000 Yuan to RMB5, 000 through discussions by the two parties.

ⅢThe legal consultancy service fees shall be RMB500 per hour or shall be decided among the range of RMB3,000 Yuan to RMB5,000 through discussions by the two parties.◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网███████豪仕法律http://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

Ⅳ The party A shall pay the Party B additionally such expenses as travelling charges, room and board fees and other travelling allowance in advance, but such expenses occurring in the inner city of the five districts of Chengdu shall be assumed by the Party B.Commentaries: The moneys involved in the contract are all Renminbi . After consultation, the Party B may accept foreign exchanges when handling foreign affairs on the behalf of the Party A.

The Party A : The Regional Wing of Singapore Airline◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网███████http://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

Representative of the Party A:


The Party B : Sichuan Junhe Law Firm◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网███████http://www.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼●●●●●●●▼▲▼▲▼▲

Representative of the Party B:◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲◐◐◐◐●☛█▼▲豪仕法律网HtTp://WWW.79110.net▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲▼▲




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